Hood Systems

Not just anyone can clean a restaurant kitchen exhaust system, not even restaurant or property owners. Cleaning of hood exhaust systems must be done according to NFPA Code 96 standards. These standards specifically mean that a trained, certified, qualified technician that has jurisdiction in the area and has been accepted and certified by the National Fire Protection Association is the only person qualified to do the cleaning.
A full cleaning of the system doesn’t mean just the hood – it also includes the fans and flues. A restaurant operating at full force is sure to acquire a grease buildup on all parts of the system. This is dangerous and can lead to fires and a loss of business, income, and even injury. 27% of all restaurant fires ignite at fryers and grills, and suppression systems can’t cover everything.
Grease buildup occurs inside the system, not just where you can see it. An occasional wipe-down doesn’t cut it when it comes to cleanliness and safety. 75% of effluent bypasses the baffle filters and ends up deep within the exhaust system.
Performance Pressure Washing’s professional and certified technicians are highly trained and certified. Whether your grease containment style is a pail or a rack system, they are familiar with it. They can do all the necessary cleaning and repairing of your kitchen exhaust system. For comparison and insurance purposes, they take photos before and after their work.
You will be pleased and impressed by their dedication to the job and quality of work.We take pride in doing the best job possible for the most reasonable price out there.
Our Owner has 15 years restaurant and bar management experience and understands each businesses needs.